
Wendy D**
Fairless Hills, PA
Where to begin ? I've been a fan of Jeff's
since college 1994. When I first heard the slide of metal across the strings
of an electric guitar it was the first notes of " Last Goodbye" and
after that I was never the same . Can one person change a life in every
way? I say yes :) I must be honest, the first time I listened to
Jeff's " GRACE" I hate it but a true music lover that I am gave it
another listen and after that it's never been out of my reach, whether it in
my car , walkman or stereo, it will always be close (it's my
security blanket). It's not just his expressive, passionate voice, but the
songs lyrically and musically can stand on their own. Jeff musical taste
influenced me into buying taste that I didn't think I would ever be interested
in picking up (LEONARD COHEN OR VAN MORRISON) till I heard Jeff's renditions
of their songs which made me curious to hear the originals and surprisingly I
became a fan of singer/song writers in general . I love Jeff for
introducing me to Nina Simone, god she is wonderful! Not just
musically has this one man influenced me but the fact that my folks try to get
me to go to Tennessee for years and when I heard of the place where Jeff died
in Memphis, I morbidly wanted to go to the place to say a personal goodbye to
a man I never had the opportunity to meet in person, but felt a great need to
give my thoughts to this one person. I went down to Memphis and went to the
spot along the Mississippi River/Wolf River. Eerily my hotel room overlooked
the spot, so for 3 days I woke up and went to bed to that scene. It was
so peaceful there, I could see why he might want to swim there, it looked so deceivingly
safe and gentle, but I knew better.
After spending 3 days down there I grew
very fond of Memphis. I never felt more at home. I said my goodbyes! I'm glad
that there are others out there that care about Jeff and his music legacy. I
want to thank his mother and fan based websites all over that are keeping his
memory alive. I know Jeff is not a god, and we should not put him on a pedestal,
he was only human. The sad thing is he will never know what a great
influence he was on so many! We can only be thankful that we have his
music and other musicians that he influenced. Just like Led Zeplin and Nina
Simone influenced him. It's been 5 long years without Jeff, but he is still
influencing and gaining new fans every day and I know I will try to introduce
my friends and family and turn them onto Jeff Buckley. I have been very
successful so far. So please, light a candle for me, thanks.
Wendy D )"(
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